On 6 January 2021 at 16.00 the series of public art exhibitions titled “Nocturnal visions” opens with “Pink cloud” by Kristi Kongi, presented on the wall of the Explorer building at Kai 1, Tallinn. The work is best viewed from a distance, so the CCA invites everyone to arrive from the Mere puiestee side, also keeping a safe distance from other visitors.
The CCA initiated the series of public art exhibitions “Nocturnal visions”, presented on the wall of the Explorer commercial building with the aim of bringing contemporary art into public space. “Nocturnal visions” introduces work by artists Kristi Kongi (January), Flo Kasearu (February) and Norman Orro (March). During the three consecutive months artists showcase new artworks for the Explorer building, on view from sunset until 22.00 (on week-ends until 23.00)
The first artwork on display is “Pink cloud” by Kristi Kongi. Painter Kristi Kongi is mainly known for her oil paintings and installations, focusing on colour and light. In the artwork created for “Nocturnal visions”, Kongi has prioritised movement in colour and light.
“This past year has been an opportunity to observe and reflect,” describes the artist her inspiration behind the work. “So it seemed important to depict flying up in the air, moving through clouds.”
“Contemporary art in the city elevates the public space and lets artists’ ideas shine. Presenting exhibitions in the city space is an increasingly important opportunity to continue working in the new reality, where attending events indoors is not advised,” says Maria Arusoo, the director of the CCA. The CCA’s collaboration with the Explorer building begun in 2019, when the centre curated the show “A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We All Fall Down!” at Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia that was extended to the walls of the Explorer building with Brit Pavelson’s and Sissela Jensen’s work “Soft grotesque”.
Kristi Kongi (1985) is a recognised painter and installation artist, focusing on colour, light and space, often creating her paintings as installations or presenting them as site-specific works. She mostly creates large comprehensive colourful spatial installation that both interpret the exhibition space as well as places the artist has been to. Kongi was nominated for Köler Prize in 2016. In 2017, she was awarded the Konrad Mägi Art Prize. She is an associate arofessor at painting department at the Estonian Academy of Arts.
The Explorer commercial building is located in Tallinn, near Mere puiestee. The building’s facade is constructed, using a solution unique in Estonia: all of its walls are covered in LED panels, allowing displaying a 360-degree static or dynamic image. Essentially, the whole facade of the building can be used as a large screen.
Owned by the real estate developer Estmak Capital, the commercial building Explorer was officially recognised as the most environmentally friendly commercial building in Estonia. It obtained an energy-efficient building certification LEED Platinum (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, USGBC, USA) that makes the building the greenest of its kind. Estmak Capital supports contemporary Estonian art and wishes to contribute to making the city more colourful and creative.
The CCA is the oldest centre of art expertise in Estonia, creating possibilities for Estonian artists and within the Estonian art field since 1992. The CCA is also the commissioner of the Estonian pavilion at the Venice Biennale. The CCA actively participates in the Estonian art scene by curating and organising exhibitions and other art events, and publishes an online magazine.
The title of the exhibition series, “Nocturnal visions” is a reference to the poetry collection by the Estonian poet Doris Kareva “Ööpildid”, published in 1980.
Kristi Kongi wishes to thank Taavi Suisalu for cooperation.