As a centre for expertise, the Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art has mediated information about local artists, and promoted the contemporary art scene, since 1992. Due to these activities, a significant number of archival materials have found their place on the shelves of the centre – as artefacts, a document of past events, as yet unarticulated art movements, as a symbol of its era – to carry on information and knowledge.
The archive of the CCA includes online artists’ database, videos, photos and printed matter. It is continuously developing to offer support and competence to the contemporary art field. It is used by art professionals and students of higher education.
The CCA contemporary art archive has been used in the following events:
Martin Pedanik: Man Behind the Scenes. Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design
Video program “CLUB CLASSICS: VIDEO ART”, curated by Teresa Vieira. BEAST International Film Festival, Portugal.
Exhibition “in a maze”, curated by Marija Repšytė. Klaipėda Cultural Communication Centre, Lithuania.
“VENEZIA – Queen of the Seas“. Estonian Maritime Museum, Seaplane Harbour
Von Krahli Kino: Nööri mööda
Von Krahli Kino: Silmale nähtamatu
Von Krahli Kino: Audiovisual Compost
Von Krahli Kino: Spiral Bound
Art in the Comfort Zone? The 2000s in Estonian Art. Art Museum of Estonia
Estonian Energies. The Power of Practice. Tartu Art Museum
Videokunsti kursus Eesti Kunstiakadeemias koostöös KKEKiga
Exhibition “Impression on Paper. Publications from the CCA’s archive”. Lugemik bookshop
The X-Files [Registry of the Nineties]. Kumu Art Museum
CCA video screenings #1: Monika Lipšic
CCA video screenings #2: Vanina Saracino
CCA video screenings #3: Sepake Angiama
Crazy Love. Valitud teosed KKEKi arhiivist. Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM)
Video archive
The video archive at CCA includes performance and exhibition documentation as well as original artworks. We provide remote viewing, when interested in seeing the videos please send your request to: marika@cca.ee.
Printed matter archive
The foundation of the printed matter archive is laid by the exhibition catalogues (documenta, Manifesta, Venice Biennale, etc.), monographies of Estonian artists, and catalogues of group exhibitions. The CCA, which was founded as the Estonian Soros Centre for Contemporary Art (SCCA), shares a history with other former Soviet Union member states, whose centres distributed publications within the network during the 1990s. There are publications in the archive which have reached here only due to this network. As an extensive body of archival materials, there are photocopies of articles published on Estonian contemporary art during 1993-2006. On the shelves of the CCA, it’s possible to find self-published artist books, newspapers, and albums. The printed matter is to be used only at the CCA, therefore please make an enquiry to marika@cca.ee.
Photo archive
The photo archive covers the CCA’s institutional history and artists’ practice since 1970s. Including views of significant group exhibitions. We offer remote viewing, therefore please make an enquiry to marika@cca.ee.