Residency in the WIELS

Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art and WIELS Contemporary Art Centre have announced an open call for two Estonian artists to apply to a residency programme at the WIELS Residency Programme.

Two Estonian artists have a possibility to participate in the WIELS Residency Programme on the first or second half of 2023, during six months. CCA in collaboration with Estonian Ministry of Culture will cover the residency cost and apartment rent. A monthly scholarship of 1300 euros will be paid to the artists. All Estonian artists (artists based in Estonia and/or from Estonia) are welcome to apply.

The residency provides working spaces in a suitable environment for artists who seek autonomy, feedback and/or interaction with peers, and the interdisciplinary art scene that Brussels in particular offers, engaging in current artistic and theoretical debates through weekly discussions with the mentors, visits, presentations and public interactions with audiences. The WIELS residency thus helps artists to develop their work and their professional practice. Read more about the programme here.

The deadline to apply is on October 2, 2022. The application must be in English according to the guidelines below  and send in one pdf file via e-mail to

The application are reviewed by a jury, consisting of representatives from CCA and WIELS. The final decision will be done by WIELS Contemporary Art Centre.

Please note in the application if you would like to participate in the programme during the first or second half of 2023 (or if it doesn’t matter).

The collaboration between CCA and WIELS started in 2017. Since then 10 artist have participated in the programme: Paul Kuimet, Jaanus Samma, Anna Škodenko, Tõnis SaadojaTanja Muravskaja, Anu Vahtra, Eva Mustonen, Ingel Vaikla, Krista Mölder and Sandra Kosorotova

More information about WIELS on their website or ask for details from

The participation of Estonian artists at the programme is supported by Estonian Ministry of Culture.

The application must be sent by e-mail in .PDF format to:



Application paperwork should include in the following order:

A. APPLICATION FORM: Please download and fill out the application form.

B. CV/RESUME: Please include your educational background and exhibition history.

C. ARTIST STATEMENT: In 250 words or less, write a statement about your work.

D. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: In 250 words or less, describe your potential projects, ideas and expectations for the residency at WIELS.

E. REFERENCES: Please provide the name, email, telephone no. and postal address of three references who can comment on your recent work and artistic development on a professional level.

F. VISUAL DOCUMENTATION: We ask that you include a selection of up to 10 images included in the electronic application pdf, and/or videos.

The captions of the images should include the title, date, medium, dimensions, and a brief description of each work (less than 50 words for each image/video).

VIDEO FILES: Moving images, i.e. time-based media, video, kinetic art or documentation of performance art, should be presented as a download link that does not expire, either provided by file-hosting services such as Dropbox or video-sharing websites such as YouTube or Vimeo.

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